Author: lurvespy


Date #9 – Head Over Heels

I wouldn’t say I am trying to move in with Lee, but I admit that more and more of my essential things have a place in his bottom drawer that he kindly gave to...


Tinder – Swipe Left!

I lasted 4 days on Tinder, and in hindsight, it was 4 days too long.  I joined because currently the conventional way of dating sucks (I have written about this before, in Dating in...


Date #7 – Green Light!

Now I’m sure that many of you are still curious as to what happened with myself and Chenelle.  Yes I am still seeing her, but we had such a blast once we arrived in...


Date #8 – Troll?

I’m grinning from ear to ear, but I guess that is not a surprise.  Lee is amazing in all areas. Let me tell you about this man;  he has an opinion on just about...


Date #7 – The One?

So here we are at the end of the month already, time is really flying by.  I am pleased to say that this month was so much better than the last.  I actually have...


How They Lurve: Keysha Davis & Richard Barr

Keysha Davis is the fabulous editor of BlackHair Magazine, and creator of Cocoa Diaries.  Rich Barr is an extremely talented and well-known photographer, who specialises in Fashion, Beauty and Events, among other things.  In...


Date #6 – The Internet Guy

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! I can still say that as we are still in January right?  Anyway, how did you spend yours?  I spent mine in bed… alone.  It was fine, and no, I...