Don’t Give Up On Love!
So I really tried… I was in a relationship on and off for three years. I tried to present myself as the perfect girlfriend; I cooked, cleaned, supported every poor decision, sex on tap… you know how it goes… I overlooked the baggage he carried, all in the name of love. In the third year of my relationship, I really prayed, and asked God to bless our union and show me a sign!
He says he loves me, he says he cares, he says he wants to marry me, but… (exhale)… all in his sweet time. With my prayers, I started to really pay attention. All my sacrifices. I had to ask myself, “What is he willing to sacrifice for me?” So one day I did just that, I asked that very question. It was not to be! My heart broke into pieces as I realised that this man I loved really only loved himself, and loved the way I loved him. All that I gave, invested, and hoped for our future together was just that – all me! I broke up with him amicably, because after all, if a man truly wants to be with you, he will do just that – and do all he can to be with you!
The months went on, and I can’t lie, I laid in wait for the grand gesture of him coming to his senses and us finally having a happy ever after. Well not in this fairytale! I put life on pause, mourning the loss of my love, but then it came to me: WTF am I doing?! At the mercy of a man? I realised I had lost touch with ME. I had lost the love for myself. I deserve happiness dammit! I looked in the mirror and told myself just that. So I dusted myself off, put on my party shoes, and put on that happy music “Don’t give up on love,” I thought, “Eff it, I really tried!” So here I am with the same message to anyone who relates, or who will listen:
Remember who you are, and know what kind of love you deserve.
Lurve Spy: Bea