Category: Single Lurve


Are you Lucky In Love?

Do you consider yourself to be ‘lucky’ or ‘unlucky’ in love?  Because, apparently, if you’re unlucky then it’s because you’re not doing something right, and you can change that. I was invited to a...


Date #11- Stages

Hey… there isn’t much to say really.  I am still upset, but less upset than I was, which is a good thing.  I never would have thought this would have happened, but, “It tis...


Date #10 – Shattered

I can’t stop crying. I am so upset right now. I can’t think straight, because I can’t make sense of it.  I feel betrayed in the most voyeuristic way and I feel helpless and...


Date #8 – Pulled!

I’m in the gym.  I’ve been here for just over an hour and a half.  I ain’t been here for sometime.  As you can guess, I’ve been quite busy and using other means to...


Date #9 – Head Over Heels

I wouldn’t say I am trying to move in with Lee, but I admit that more and more of my essential things have a place in his bottom drawer that he kindly gave to...


Date #7 – Green Light!

Now I’m sure that many of you are still curious as to what happened with myself and Chenelle.  Yes I am still seeing her, but we had such a blast once we arrived in...